Shantou and Country Garden Group Signed Framework Agreement for Strategic Cooperation and Targeted Poverty Alleviation

On the afternoon of October 19th, the municipal government signed a framework agreement for the implementation of the strategic cooperation and targeted poverty alleviation campaign with the Country Garden Group. This agreement is based on the common vision that the two sides shared in terms of the project for initializing the new-type ecological urbanization and poverty alleviation, and will accelerate the process of the economic revitalization of Shantou under its framework that emphasized the mutual cooperation and efforts from both sides.
As Mr. Yang Guoqiang, the Chairman of the Country Garden Group pointed out, the group will seize the opportunity of Shantou’s revitalization for the city has literally undergone a series of transformation that give it a whole new look. The very metropolitan flair of the city has really lured the corporate mind of the group into designing the philosophy that eventually coins the development concepts of the contemporary Shantou, expressively the integration of the city’s industrial and urban functions and the combination of a green city and the eco-friendly industrial renovation of the city. Keeping these concepts in mind, the group will strive to bring its bilateral cooperation with the municipal government of Shantou to the next level. New areas will be explored and new points of economic growth will emerge as both sides are committed to strenuously serve the city and its people.
Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 20, 2016
10月19日下午,我市与碧桂园集团签署战略合作和精准扶贫框架协议,双方将在打造生态型新型城镇化项目、扶贫开发等方面开展合作,共同推 动汕头加快振兴发展。