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5th Global Chaoren Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference and 2019 Chao People Artificial Intelligence Conference Held in Shantou
Date: 2019-10-20      Source: Shantou Daily

On October 19, the 5th Global Chaoren Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference and the 2019 Chao People Artificial Intelligence Conference, sponsored by the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Shantou and Guangdong Global Chaoren Innovation and Entrepreneurship Economic Research Institute, were held in Shantou. Nearly 1,000 industry elites from around the world attended the conference. With the theme of "AI Empowers Everything  Intelligence Connects the World", this Global Chaoren Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference invited industry experts and famous investment institutions to participate in it, shared thoughts and insights in the field of artificial intelligence from the perspective of cutting-edge science, gave an all-round interpretation of AI investment direction and prospect, and built a bridge for exchanges and cooperation between overseas Chinese with  Chaozhou origin, which would further unite the vast number of Chaozhou merchants at home and abroad and push forward the communication and cooperation between Chaozhou merchants to jointly open a new chapter in the cause of Chaozhou merchants.
The conference held the award ceremony for the second Global Chaoren Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, followed by the launching ceremony of "Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud Valley", announcing the establishment of the first artificial intelligence innovation industrial park in eastern Guangdong. Located in Shantou High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the "Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud Valley" has the functional planning including Intelligent Manufacturing Space, Venture Capital Space, AI Creative Factory, Intelligent Research Space, Service Space and Eastern Guangdong Talent Base. The project has been launched in September this year and is expected to officially open in December.

Source:Shantou Daily,Oct 20, 2019



1019日,由汕头市工业和信息化局、广东省潮创新经济研究院主办的第五届潮创大会暨2019全球潮人人工智能大会在汕举行,来自全球近1000名业界精英参加大会。本届潮创大会以“AI赋能 智连世界为主题,邀请行业大咖、著名投资机构参与,以前沿的科学视角分享人工智能领域的思考与洞见,全方位解读AI投资方向与前景,搭建起潮籍华人华侨交流合作的桥梁,进一步团结海内外广大潮商,推动潮商沟通协作,携手开启潮商事业的新篇章。

  大会举行了第二届潮创大赛颁奖仪式,随后举行 智造云谷 启动仪式,宣告粤东首家人工智能创新产业园正式成立。 智造云谷 坐落于汕头高新技术产业开发区,功能规划包括智造空间、资创空间、 AI 创意工厂、智研空间、服务空间、粤东人才基地等。项目今年 9 月启动实施,预计 12 月正式开园运营。


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