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Queshi AAAA Scenery Area (Queshi Mountain Scenery, one of Shantou's Eight Sights)
Date: 2010-01-14      Source: Website of Queshi Scenery Area Administration

As the first of Shantou's Eight Sights, Queshi Scenery Area is one of the tourist resorts first listed as provincial tourist resorts in Guangdong and first ranked as national AAAA attractions in Chaoshan region. Queshi Scenery Area is located between the south and north sections of urban Shantou, leaning against the south section and separated from the north section by the sea.

The word Que is defined in Cihai (the Grand Dictionary of Chinese Language) and Kangxi Dictionary as the sound that the wind or water makes over the rock or a mountain with a lot of boulders. The definition shows Que is in the form of a huge rock and rings with the sound of the rushing tides over the rocks. And Queshi has got its name from its proximity to the sea and its mountains with many rocks.

In Queshi Scenery Area, you will find marvelous views with green hills and unique rocks, simple local residences and western style villas left over from the colonial era, and subtropical vegetation in the coastal area. You will also appreciate the grandness, uniqueness, grace and tranquility in the sea, the hills, the rocks and the caves in the natural and cultural sights.

Grandness: In this scenery area, Mount Tashan, Mount Yanfeng, Mount Bijia and Mount Xianglu stand side by side under the blue sky and by the vast sea, a spectacular sight where the wind blows from a thousand miles away and the rolling cloud piles up in tiers. The cliff inscriptions In Mount Tashan, e.g., "the spring tides roll 800 miles in front of the first prefecture in the south", "absorbing all sources from across the world and exerting an influence over the Cantonese region", "crossroad in the cloud and street in the sky", and "a century old trade port that welcomes merchants boats from all countries" depict vividly the overwhelming Queshi.

Uniqueness: The rocks in this scenery area are basically of the granite. The spherical weathering carves the rocks into all kinds of unusual shapes, figures, holes and caves. The marvelous scene can be described as "the views are wonderful with the rocks but the most unique are with the caves".

Grace: The subtropical scenery in this area is incredibly beautiful with the green hills, clear water, floating clouds, rushing seas, chirping birds and blooming flowers. In Taohua Jian (the Peach Ravine), the winding brook threads peacefully under small bridges and through bamboos and flowers, typical of southern water scenery and in particular of the Chaoshan tradition.

Tranquility: In Queshi Scenery Area, all the caves, rocks and steps are quiet and peaceful, and in the Rainbow Cave of Mount Tashan and the Pine Valley of Mount Yanfeng, you can best savor the quietness.

Source: Website of Queshi Scenery Area Administration

礐石风景名胜区 AAAA (汕头八景之“礐石山光”)




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