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Growth Rates of Shantou's Four Major Economic Indicators Ranked First in Guangdong Province
Date: 2018-01-30      Source:

In 2017, the growth rates of Shantou's four major economic indicators ranked first in Guangdong Province: the growth rate of GDP was 9.2%, ranked first in Guangdong Province; the growth rate of investment was 27.0%, ranked first in Guangdong Province; the growth rate of social retail was 11.1%, ranked first in Guangdong Province; and the growth rate of service trades was 10.4%, ranked first in Guangdong Province.

As the economic data are released, Shantou's economic growth is in the foremost rank, which is encouraging: Last year, Shantou's GDP reached RMB 235.076 billion, its economic scale continued to expand, and the ranking of its economic aggregate advanced for two consecutive years; its GDP growth rate increased quarter over quarter, ranked first in Guangdong Province, respectively 2.3% and 1.7% higher than those of China and Guangdong Province. At the same time, the growth of other major economic indicators maintained a strong momentum, staying in the foremost rank. Shantou's economy has taken a solid step in the development of high-quality. In the new round of development in Guangdong, Shantou showed a bright achievement report and its new advantages of "fast, high-quality, new and good" economic development were further highlighted.

Source:Shantou Daily, Jan 30, 2018


  随着一组组经济数据新鲜出炉,汕头经济增长一马当先的新局面令人振奋:去年全市实现GDP 2350.76亿元,经济规模持续扩大,连续两年实现经济总量排名进位;GDP增速逐季攀升,居全省各市首位,分别高于全国、全省2.3和1.7个百分点。同时,其他主要经济指标增长势头持续强劲,排位靠前。汕头经济向高质量发展迈出了坚实的步伐,在广东新一轮发展中交出了亮眼的成绩单,进一步凸显“快、优、新、好”的经济发展新优势。


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