China (Shantou) - Thailand Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Conference is Held in Thailand
Shantou Daily

On July 9, the China (Shantou) - Thailand Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Meeting and the Qiaopi History and Cultural Exhibition under the theme of “Three rivers run into the sea and one letter is sent to home”, which was co-organized by the Shantou Municipal People's Government and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Thailand, was successfully held in Bangkok, Thailand. Shantou and Thailand carried out investment promotion, project signing, exchanges and negotiations on cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, industry, and cultural tourism. A total of 18 projects were successfully signed, with a total amount of RMB 12.7 billion.
On the day of the event, the Qiaopi History and Cultural Exhibition under the theme of “Three rivers run into the sea and one letter is sent to home” officially kicked off in Thailand. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "Qiaopi Archives" being inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. This is the first time that the "Qiaopi Archives" had been exhibited overseas in the past 10 years. This event would showcase 120 graphic panels, more than 200 physical exhibits, and Qiaopi-themed video contents and cultural and creative products, introducing the rich cultural content, heritage and protection of the Qiaopi archives to Chinese in Thailand and Thai friends. This event would last for one week. After the conclusion of this event, the Qiaopi archives will be exhibited for a long time at the Tio Chew Association of Thailand.
Source:Shantou Daily, July 10, 2023
7月9日,由汕头市人民政府、泰国中华总商会联合主办的中国(汕头)-泰国经贸文化合作交流会暨“三江出海 一纸还乡”侨批历史文化展在泰国曼谷成功举办。汕泰双方围绕经贸、产业、文旅领域合作开展投资推介、项目签约和交流洽谈,共18个项目成功签约,总金额达127亿元。
活动当天,“三江出海 一纸还乡”侨批历史文化展正式在泰开幕,这是侨批档案入选联合国教科文组织“世界记忆名录”十周年以来首次走出国门举办展览。活动共展出120幅图文展板、200余件实物展品和侨批主题的影音内容、文创产品,向旅泰乡亲和泰国友人介绍侨批档案的丰富文化内涵和传承保护情况。本次活动为期一周,结束后将在泰国潮州会馆长期展出。
来源:汕头日报 2023-7-10