Shantou Port Guang'ao Port Area Opens Direct Liner Route to Thailand
Shantou Daily

Recently, "WAN HAI 293/En Chun Ship" successfully berthed at Shantou Port Guang'ao Port Area, marking the success of the first voyage of the Southeast Asian Thailand-Vietnam Route (JCV), a joint venture and shared cabin between Wanhai Lines Ltd. and Interasia Lines Ltd.
A total of four 2000TEU-ships have been run on the route. The order of port is Shantou - Hong Kong - Shekou - Cat Lai - Laem Chabang - Cat Lai – Da Nang - Shekou - Xiamen - Tokyo - Yokohama - Shanghai. The shipping schedule is stable on a weekly schedule. After the opening of the direct liner route, it is expected that the cargo departed from the Guang'ao Port Area would arrive in Thailand in 8 days, saving 4 to 6 days compared to the previous transit, and saving 100-150 US dollars/container. This not only effectively shortens cargo transportation time, but also reduces comprehensive logistics costs, and further enhances the competitiveness of the Chaoshan region in foreign trade and economic cooperation.
Source:Shantou Daily, July 25, 2023
近日,“WAN HAI 293 / 恩春轮”顺利靠泊汕头港广澳港区,标志着万海航运与运达航运合营共舱的东南亚泰越航线(JCV)首航成功。
来源:汕头日报 2023-7-25