The Cold-slipping Testing of the Overhead Contact System of Shantou-Shanwei High-speed Railway is Started
Shantou Daily

On the morning of October 8, as the 56101 cold-slipping testing train slowly exited from Shantou South Railway Station, the cold-slip testing of the overhead contact system of Shantou-Shanwei High-speed Railway was started, which would provide a strong guarantee for power transmission of the overhead contact system, thermal-slipping testing, and joint commissioning and joint testing at the next stage, to ensure high standards, high quality, and efficient opening and operation of Shantou-Shanwei High-speed Railway before the end of this year.
After Shantou-Shanwei High-speed Railway is completed and opened to traffic, the "Half-hour Commuting Circle" of the central cities in the Shantou-Chaozhou-Jieyang region and the "One-hour Traffic Circle" in eastern Guangdong will become a reality. In addition, Shantou-Shanwei High-speed Railway will be connected with Shantou-Zhangzhou High-speed Railway, forming a new north-south high-capacity passenger transport channel among the Pearl River Delta, Haixi Economic Zone, and Yangtze River Delta, to fill the gap in the layout without any high-speed railway at speed of 350 kilometers per hour along the coast over-one-thousand-kilometer longitudinal passage.
Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 9, 2023
10月8日上午,随着 56101 次冷滑试验车从汕头南站缓缓驶出,汕汕铁路接触网工程冷滑试验正式开启,为下一阶段接触网送电、热滑试验和联调联试提供了有力保障,确保年内高标准、高质量、高效率开通运营。
来源:汕头日报 2023-10-9