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Shantou Bay Tourist Area (Rainbow Over the Bay, one of Shantou's Eight Sights)
Date: 2010-01-14      Source: Website of the Municipal Tourism Bureau


Around the 30-sqkm Shantou Port, Shantou Bay tourist circle hosts Haiwan Bridge, Queshi Bridge, Haibin Road, Nanbin Road, Shipaotai Park (Stone Fort Park), Overseas Chinese Park, Mayu Isle, Renmin Square (People's Square) and a natatorium. Haiwan Bridge is 2,500 meters long and flies over Mayu Isle. It is China's first wide-span suspension bridge. Queshi Bridge is 2,940 meters long. Haiwan Bridge and Queshi Bridge are two rainbows over Shantou Bay. Haibin Road and Nanbin Road, one for urban style and one for natural scenery, exhibit a harmony between modern buildings and natural landscape. When night falls, lamps light up on the river banks. Shipaotai Park hosts a large Qing Dynasty fort and the Oversease Chinese Park depicts the life of contemporary overseas Chinese, both of which are rich in historic and cultural interest. Mayu Isle has a natural swimming beach, hotels and catering facilities as well as Tianhou Palaces from the Yuan and Qing Dynasties. It is a popular summer resort for local people. The People's Square with its large music fountain is the right place for people to get together and relax. The natatorium is a large public sports facility and the most modernized of its kind in Shantou. It was also a venue for the Ninth National Games.

Source:   Website of the Municipal Tourism Bureau





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