On the afternoon of May 5, the event under the theme of "Joining Hands in Pooling Wisdom for Asian Youth Games", which was sponsored by Shantou Executive Committee of the Asian Youth Games, organized by Shantou Sun Yat-Sen University Alumni Association, and co-organized by the Think-tank of PhD Holders of Guangdong Chaoren Overseas Friendship Association, was held in Shantou Library. Shantou Executive Committee of the Asian Youth Games appointed Lin Dihuan, a well-known cartoonist called "Teacher Lin", as the cultural ambassador of the 3rd Asian Youth Games.
According to the sponsor, "Teacher Lin" has been paying close attention to the preparations for the Shantou Asian Youth Games. He is creating a series of public-benefit cartoons with the theme of Shantou Asian Youth Games. At that time, a special exhibition for his cartoons will be organized in the Athletes' Village of Asian Youth Games so that the athletes can understand China, learn more about Shantou, and present fine traditional Chinese culture to the world.
Source:Shantou Daily, May 6, 2021
5月5日下午,由亚青会汕头市执委会主办、汕头市中山大学校友会承办、广东潮博智库协办的“携手同行 智汇亚青”主题活动在汕头图书馆举办。亚青会汕头市执委会聘请知名漫画家“小林老师”林帝浣为第三届亚洲青年运动会文化大使。
来源:汕头日报 2021-5-6