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Shantou Conducts “Cloud Communication” with Overseas Chinese Businessmen for Pursuing Common Development
Date: 2021-10-29      Source: Shantou Daily

On October 27, the Bureau of Investment Promotion of Shantou Municipality worked together with the Shantou Municipal Bureau of Overseas Chinese Affairs, the Administrative Committee of Shantou Pilot Zone for Economic and Cultural Cooperation with Overseas Chinese, and the Chaozhou Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, held the online exchange meeting for overseas Chinese businessmen in the form of "cloud promotion" for the first time. The main venue of the event was set up in the Shantou (Shenzhen) Collaborative Innovation Exchange Center, for the purpose of adapting to the new normal of global COVID-19 response, breaking through geographical barriers, building a window of making dialogues and exchanges between Shantou and overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese businessmen via video link, deepening their love for their hometown and fostering their compatriot friendship, and sharing business opportunities for common development. This special Malaysian online exchange meeting is the first part of the content of the event. In the future, Shantou will continue to conduct online engagement and exchanges with the organizations of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese businessmen.

Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 29, 2021



来源:汕头日报 2021-10-29

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