At the beginning of the new year, Shantou Port Guang'ao Port Area made in the official opening of Wan Hai Lines' JTS route to Southeast Asia (Singapore/Malaysia). So far, Guang'ao Port Area has opened 21 foreign trade container routes, and achieved good results in the central route layout of Southeast Asia routes in the southeast coastal region.
The ports of call for JTS route to Southeast Asia (Singapore/Malaysia) are: Shantou - Hong Kong - Nansha - Singapore - Klang - Belawan - Klang North - Singapore - Hong Kong - Shekou - Taichung - Taipei - Tokyo - Yokohama - Chiba - Shimizu - Nagoya - Yokkaichi - Keelung - Taichung - Kaohsiung - Shantou, putting into a total of 5 carriers. The "WAN HAI 356/ZHAN CHUN LUN" foreign trade container vessel that berthed on January 5 was 203.5 meters long, with a handling capacity of 422 TEUs.
Source:Shantou Daily, Jan 11, 2023
东南亚(新马)JTS航线停靠港为:汕头-香港-南沙-新加坡-巴生-勿拉湾-巴生北-新加坡-香港-蛇口-台中-台北-东京-横滨-千叶-清水-名古屋-四日市-基隆-台中-高雄-汕头,共投入5条运力。1月5日当天停靠的“WAN HAI 356/展春轮”外贸集装箱船舶船长203.5米,装卸集装箱达422标箱。
来源:汕头日报 2023-1-11