On the morning of May 9, the award ceremony of the 4th “Mayor Cup” Industrial Design Competition and the opening ceremony of Shantou Industrial Design Week were held at Expo Center of Chaoshan History and Culture.
The Event features seven special sessions, including the Award Ceremony of the “Mayor Cup” Industrial Design Competition, the Opening Ceremony of the Industrial Design Week, the Industrial Green Design Summit, the Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Competition, the Industrial Design Product Exhibition, the Matchmaking Conference for Applying Research Results to Production, and the “Entering Shantou” Industrial Cluster, and will continue until May 21. The Competition consists of the main competition (product design group and concept design group) and five major special competitions, including textiles and clothing, toy creativity, Shantou gift, "overseas Chinese" theme design, and Shantou craftsmen selection. A total of 3,400 works were collected, and a batch of outstanding works with new design concepts, high technology content, and great application value were selected. The major awards include the gold, silver and bronze awards of the main competition and special competitions, top ten outstanding industrial designers, top ten emerging industrial designers, and Shantou craftsmen.
Source:Shantou Daily, May 10, 2023
来源:汕头日报 2023-5-10