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Shantou•Yunlin Exchange Events Kick Off
Date: 2023-09-12      Source: Shantou Daily


On September 10, “People from Shantou and Taiwan Traveling Together with Hearts United” Shantou•Yunlin Exchange Events were launched in the Port-opening Area of Shantou Small Park. Afterwards, special events such as the Taiwan Market, the Yunlin Souvenirs Exhibition, and the Yunlin Local Conditions and Customs Exhibition were opened to visitors, attracting citizens and visitors to visit the Small Park to experience the customs of the Republic of China and taste delicious food with unique flavors of Taiwan, and bringing Taiwan and Shantou compatriots closer together and exploring more possibilities to boost Taiwan-Shantou exchanges and cooperation.

At the “Taiwan Market” in the Anping Road neighborhood, there are more than 10 specialty stalls covering gourmet food, trendy drinks, specialty wine, exquisite tea, and flight simulator experiences, attracting many citizens and visitors to take the perfect WeChat Moments snap. At the Taiwan (Yunlin) Exhibition Hall in Shantou, the “Yunlin Specialty Souvenirs” was unveiled, integrating with exhibition & displays, food tasting & appraisal, and on-site sales, providing citizens and visitors with a feast for their eyes and mouth. The “Yunlin Local Conditions and Customs Exhibition” on the second floor of the Exhibition Hall focuses on displaying Yunlin's history, scenic areas, art and culture. A “refreshment area” has also been set up to allow citizens and visitors to fully experience the charm of Yunlin from eyes to mouth. These events will continue until September 15.

Source:Shantou Daily, Sep 12, 2023


  9月10日,“两岸同心 汕台同行”汕头·云林交流系列活动在汕头小公园开埠区启动。随后,台湾市集、云林特产手信展和云林风土人情展等特色活动开门迎客,吸引市民游客逛小公园感受民国风情,品味台湾的独特风味,推动两地同胞走近走亲、汕台交流合作越走越宽。


来源:汕头日报 2023-9-12

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