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The City-themed Promotional Song “Tour of Juvenile • Shantou” Debuts Online
Date: 2023-09-20      Source: Shantou Daily


On September 19, for the purpose of welcoming the “Two Grand Conventions of World Chaoshan People” (the 22th Teochew International Convention and the 10th World Chaoshan Entrepreneurs Convention in 2024), the music video of the “Tour of Juvenile • Shantou”, Shantou’s new original nursery rhyme song, debuted online, sending a warm invitation to world Chaoshan people.

As a city-themed promotional song, the “Tour of Juvenile • Shantou” uses the melodious and lively tunes and the lyrics with rich connotations to present the allure of the century-old overseas Chinese hometown and the new developments of Shantou Special Economic Zone. The song consists of two parts: the librettos and words to be recited. The librettos are embedded with the cultural attractions with Shantou’s characteristics, symbols and stories, including the world memory heritage, national cultural heritage site, provincial cultural heritage site, and some revitalized municipal cultural heritage sites, which are located within the Port-opening Area of the Small Park. The words to be recited use the Small Park as the transitional background, cover Shantou tour, and present the allure of Shantou's six districts and one county. They are embedded with famous cultural and natural scenic areas in Shantou's six districts and one county, containing rich elements of “overseas Chinese”.

Source:Shantou Daily, Sep 20, 2023




来源:汕头日报 2023-9-20

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