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Teochew Opera Performance Cultural Exchange Activities are Conducted in Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 2023-10-15      Source: Shantou Daily


On the evening of October 13, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of Thailand, the China Cultural Center in Bangkok, and the Thai Teochew Opera Association, the five-day Teochew Opera Performance Cultural Exchange Activities under the theme of "Enhancing the Affection of Overseas Chinese in Thailand for China through the Allure of Teochew Opera" kicked off at the Jiao Peng Association in Bangkok, Thailand. On that evening, Teochew opera artists from Shantou performed Li Shangyin, an opera which won the "Plum Blossom Award". More than 1,000 audiences watched the performance and appreciated the charm of Chaoshan culture. The subtitles in Chinese and Thai languages were displayed on the screens on both sides of the live stage, and the wonderful performance won applause from the audiences.

This performance was a high-profile cultural exchange event for celebrating the 48th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand which received support and help from both Thai and Chinese governments as well as from overseas Chinese in Thailand. Shantou sent the first troupe of Guangdong Teochew Opera Theater as the performing troupe to give performances in Bangkok from October 13 to 17, including Teochew operas such as Li Shangyin, Embroidered Tiger, A Lady Named Gold Flower, and Chen San and Wuniang, as well as special performance of Zhezi opera (highlights from opera).

Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 15, 2023




来源:汕头日报 2023-10-15

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