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The Delegation of the Chinese Taiwan Teochew Community Association and Three-Mountain King Culture Exchange Group Visit Shantou
Date: 2023-10-21      Source: Shantou Daily

From October 19 to 20, a delegation of 85 people from the Chinese Taiwan Teochew Community Association and Three-Mountain King Culture Exchange Group visited Shantou and exchanged ideas with Shantou people, having a first-hand experience of Shantou's fresh progress and discussing with Shantou people on pursuing the integrated development of Shantou and Taiwan.

The delegation visited the Guangdong Yuandong Guolan Cross-Strait Exchange Base and the Across Taiwan Straits Exchange Base in the Zong Bing House in Nan'ao Island. They learned about the history of people-to-people exchanges between Shantou and Taiwan and discussed cross-strait exchanges and cooperation. The visiting and exchange delegation also visited such places as the Zhanglin Old Harbor; the "Gate of Nature", the landmark tower of the Tropic of Cancer; the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Pavilion and the historical and cultural block in the Port-opening Area in Small Park; and Shantou Port-Opening History and Culture Exhibition Hall. They gave the thumbs up to the development and changes of Shantou in recent years. The delegation said that Chaoshan culture and Taiwanese culture share the same roots and are inseparable. They said they would share what they had seen and heard during this visit with their family members and friends in Taiwan, further explore opportunities for cooperation between Shantou and Taiwan, and promote the win-win development of the tourism, culture and sightseeing industry of Shantou and Taiwan.

Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 21, 2023




来源:汕头日报 2023-10-21

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