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The Wind Power Technology Innovation and Development Forum and the 2023 International Offshore Wind Power Technology
Innovation Conference Will be Held in Shantou
Date: 2023-10-28      Source: Shantou Daily

From November 29 to December 1, the Wind Power Technology Innovation and Development Forum and the 2023 International Offshore Wind Power Technology Innovation Conference will be held in Shantou. The Conference will be organized by Shantou Wind Energy Association and Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co., Ltd., with the theme of “creating a world-class industrial cluster and building a stable global supply chain”.

At that time, the government officials, representatives of international organizations, diplomatic envoys, well-known experts and business executives from nearly 20 countries and regions including China, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and ASEAN will, focusing on the current hot topics of global offshore wind power development, jointly explore new avenues for technological upgrading, for the purpose of building new consensus on international cooperation, and advancing the development of the global wind power industry to new heights. Concurrently, the Conference will also organize several press conferences, special technical salons, and international exchange events, etc.

Source:Shantou Daily, Oct 28, 2023




来源:汕头日报 2023-10-28

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