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Shantou Actively Makes Chiu-Chow Opera Cultural Circles More Influential Worldwide
Date: 2024-01-07      Source: Shantou Daily


Recently, the Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre (Shenzhen Longgang) Chiu-Chow Opera & Chiu-Chow Music Inheritance Center, which was established by the Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre in cooperation with the Shenzhen Longgang District Folk Music Promotion Association, was officially granted a plaque. This is the 10th inheritance center established by the Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre in the world, for the purpose of carrying forward fine traditional culture, disseminating, promoting and popularizing Chiu-Chow Opera & Chiu-Chow Music culture, and strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shantou and Shenzhen.

In recent years, the Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre has been actively developing Chiu-Chow opera cultural circles worldwide. Previously, it had set up 5 overseas Chiu-Chow Opera & Chiu-Chow Music inheritance centers in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, and 4 such inheritance centers in Hong Kong, Hainan Province, Huizhou City, and Zhuhai City, continuously expanding the popularity and influence of Chiu-Chow Opera culture at home and abroad.

Source:Shantou Daily, Jan 7, 2024




来源:汕头日报 2024-1-7

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