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Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe Visit Thailand for Cultural Exchange
Date: 2024-01-28      Source: Shantou Daily


On the evening of January 27, the performance of Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe of Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre under the theme of "China-Thailand Family-like Relations • Chaozhou Music Feast" was given at the Hotel Montien Riverside in Bangkok, Thailand. The performers from Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe presented programs such as "Happy Gathering" (Teochew big drums & gongs), and "Thrushs Jumping on the Frame" (Teochew small drums & gongs). The beautiful Chaozhou music enthralled many overseas Chinese leaders and people from all walks of life in Thailand.

At the invitation of The Tio Chew Association of Thailand and The Chinese School Association, Shantou City sent Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe as a performance institution to Thailand for cultural exchange. This performance is the second visit of Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe to Thailand after 28 years, and it is also the first "going-global" cultural exchange of Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre in 2024.

Source:Shantou Daily, Jan 28, 2024




来源:汕头日报 2024-1-28

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