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Shenzhen Venture Capital Day Event is Held in Shantou
Date: 2024-03-09      Source: Shantou Daily


On the afternoon of March 8, the Shenzhen Venture Capital Day Event under the theme of “Meet Partners from Shenzhen, and Invest in Shantou” was held at Shantou University, which attracted more than 60 venture capital institutions from Shenzhen and other regions of China, as well as 150 listed and high-tech companies from Shantou. The Event aimed to build a "golden bridge" for the exchange and communication between resources for entrepreneurship and innovation and high-quality business entities in Shenzhen and Shantou, effectively promoting the coordinated economic development of the two regions.

During the Event, Shenzhen Public Companies Association and Shantou Listed Companies Development Promotion Association held a strategic agreement signing ceremony. Focusing on supporting the high-quality development of the companies in Shenzhen-Shantou Industrial Transfer Cooperation Park, promoting the listing and development of Shantou companies, and establishing the Shenzhen-Shantou Industrial Cooperation Fund, Shantou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Shantou Municipal Bureau of Financial Service explained the policies. In addition, other activities, such as the closed door exchange meeting on industrial strategicinvestment from listed companies, the conference for bridging investors with fund-raising partiesfrom Shenzhen and Shantou, and the special road-show for university laboratory project incubation, are organized during the Event.

Source:Shantou Daily, March 9, 2024


  3月8日下午,“会鹏友 进汕投”深圳创投日活动在汕头大学举办,吸引了深圳乃至全国60多家创投机构,汕头150家上市及科创企业参加。活动旨在为深圳、汕头两地创投创新资源与优质实体企业搭建交流沟通的“金桥梁”,有力有效推动两地经济协同发展。


来源:汕头日报 2024-3-9

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