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The 2024 "Study Group of Nanyang People of Teochew Descent Themed on Modern China" Participate in the Cultural Exchange and Experiential Activities in Shantou
Date: 2024-03-21      Source: Shantou Daily


From March 11 to 27, the 2024 "Study Group of Nanyang (Southeast Asia) People of Teochew Descent Themed on Modern China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Study Group") participated in the cultural exchange and experiential activities in Shantou which were hosted by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and organized by Shantou University. On the morning of March 18, the launching ceremony of the Study Group was held at the Sangpushan Campus of Shantou University. More than 230 teachers and students from Thailand participated in the event. During their stay in Shantou, the Study Group would participate in a series of activities including appreciating Chinese language and culture and conducting on-the-spot investigation, gaining an up-close experience of the fine traditional culture of Chaoshan region.

The 2024 "Study Group of Nanyang People of Teochew Descent Themed on Modern China" is a new-type program under the theme of “grounding in Chinese language education in Shantou, and seeking roots by studying Chinese language and culture”, so that overseas young Chinese learners can increase their objective understanding of China, enhance emotional integration, and improve their expression ability. For the purpose of this Study Group, a variety of learning, experience, and exchange activities have been designed. The members of this Study Group can appreciate the unique Chaoshan culture, such as Chaoshan Yingge dance, Chaoshan opera, and Chaoshan drums and gongs; visit distinctive cultural landmarks such as Shantou Port-opening Museum and Overseas Remittance Museum; tour famous scenic spots and historical sites such as the Port-opening Area of Shantou Small Park, and Chaozhou Ancient City; have first-hand experience of Chaoshan history; appreciate the charm of Chaoshan culture, so that they can enhance their understanding of China, especially the Chaoshan region, in a comprehensive and three-dimensional manner.

Source:Shantou Daily, March 21, 2024





来源:汕头日报 2024-3-21

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