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First Released! Promotional Video Themed “Absorbed in the Beauty of Swatow and Enjoying the Authentic Kuey Teow”
Date: 2024-03-24      Source: Shantou Daily


On the morning of March 23, the centralized first release ceremony of the promotional video under the theme of “Absorbed in the Beauty of Swatow and Enjoying the Authentic Kuey Teow” was held in Shantou City. Through a series of activities such as products-recommendation, policies-promotion, and live-stream marketing, Shantoucarried forward the characteristic food culture of Chaoshan, boosted the innovative development of the "Shantou Kuey Teow" industry, and made every effort to create characteristic IPs for the food industry and the prepared dishes industry.

What were promoted at the event venue included not only the promotional videos such as “Absorbed in the Beauty of Swatow and Enjoying the Authentic Kuey Teow”, but also products from Shantou Kuey Teow (instant rice vermicelli noodles) production enterprises.  In particular, relevant government departments communicated industry support policies to the public.The experiential activity of “You are Invited to Enjoy the Feast of Kuey Teow” was also held at the event venue. The representatives of the Most Beautiful Families in Shantou City and elsewhere in China, the representatives of foreign students from Shantou University, the Flower Basket Sisters, online bloggers, and the moderators from Shantou Media Convergence Group, etc., experienced first-hand the methods of eating fancy Shantou Kuey Teow and the unique allure of Shantou Kuey Teow. Through the TikTok live-streaming hosted by Swatow Olive Channel, Shantou Kuey Teow (instant rice vermicelli noodles) was promoted to netizens all over China.

Source:Shantou Daily,March 24, 2024

  《玩美汕头 “粿”然是你》主题宣传片首发

  3月23日上午,《玩美汕头 “粿”然是你》主题宣传片集中首发仪式在我市举行,通过产品、政策宣传推介、直播带货等系列活动,弘扬潮汕特色美食文化,助力“汕头粿条”产业创新发展,全力打造食品产业和预制菜产业特色IP。


来源:汕头日报 2024-3-24

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