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The 2024 Chaoshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival Kicked off in Shantou
Date: 2024-07-11      Source: Shantou Daily


On the morning of July 10, the 2024 Chaoshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival, co-sponsored by the China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture and the China Culture Newspaper, was opened at the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Expo Center. This event will last from July 10 to August 31, creating a cool, fun, and informative intangible cultural heritage carnival for citizens and tourists through a series of "intangible cultural heritage+" activities such as exhibitions, performances, fairs, cuisine, and salons, for the purpose of promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture in Chaoshan area.

This Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival event has set up exhibition areas both inside and outside the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Expo Center, including five exhibition areas: Area A and Area B mainly focus on traditional cuisine and Chaoshan snacks, integrating intangible cultural heritage cuisine from many parts of China for linkage; Area C is located inside the Exhibition Hall, which mainly displays national and provincial intangible cultural heritage items; Area D mainly showcases intangible cultural heritage techniques; and Area E is the stage for selecting the programs for the Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Spring Festival Gala. During this Carnival event, daily activities will be organized in all five exhibition areas.

Source:Shantou Daily, July 11, 2024



  非遗嘉年华活动在潮汕历史文化博览中心内外场地均搭建了展示区域,共分五个区域: A区B区主要以传统美食、潮汕小吃为主,融入全国多地的非遗美食进行联动;C区位于馆内,主要展示国家级、省级非遗项目;D区主要有非遗技艺展示;E区是中国非遗春节联欢晚会的甄选舞台。嘉年华活动期间,五个区域每天都会开展活动。

来源:汕头日报 2024-7-11

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