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The 2024 Special Performance of "Meet in Chaoshan" - “Rendezvous with the Drama Pavilion of the Small Park” is Held
Date: 2024-07-20      Source: Shantou Daily


On the evening of July 18, the 2024 Special Performance of "Meet in Chaoshan" - "Rendezvous with the Drama Pavilion of the Small Park", organized by Shantou Media Convergence Group and Shantou Cultural Development Center, was held at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Pavilion in the historical and cultural block of the Small Park. The performances included Chaozhou zither ensemble, Chaozhou language songs, Chao Opera, and other fascinating programs. Volunteer medical consultations and free health kits giving were also organized, attracting many citizens and tourists to participate in.

The public-interest performance of the 2024 "Rendezvous with the Drama Pavilion of the Small Park" would be held four times. After the first performance on July 18, a special performance of Shantou Chao Opera Little Plum Blossom will be held on July 28; a special performance of "Melodious Chaozhou Rhymes" will be held at Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre on August 17; and a special performance of "Chaozhou Allure at the Heyday" will be held at Guangdong Chiu-Chow Opera Theatre on August 24.

Source:Shantou Daily, July 20, 2024

  2024年“小公园之约 戏亭印象”——“潮汕之约”专场演出举行

  7月18日晚,由汕头市融媒中心、汕头市文化发展中心主办的2024年“小公园之约 戏亭印象”——“潮汕之约”专场演出在小公园历史文化街区中山纪念亭举行,潮筝合奏、潮语歌曲、潮剧等节目精彩纷呈,现场还有义医义诊和免费赠送健康包活动,吸引了大批市民游客参与。

  2024年“小公园之约 戏亭印象”惠民演出共举办四场,7月18日首场演出之后,7月28日将举行汕头市潮剧小梅花专场演出;8月17日将举行“潮韵悠扬”广东潮剧院专场演出;8月24日将举行“盛世潮韵”广东潮剧院专场演出。

来源:汕头日报 2024-7-20

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