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A Delegation from the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong Visits Shantou
Date: 2024-08-01      Source: Shantou Daily

From July 30 to 31, a delegation from the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) led by Starry Lee Wai-king, member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, and conference adviser to the DAB, and Gary Chan Hak-kan, member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, chairman of the DAB, and conference adviser to the Federation of Hong Kong Shantou Community Organizations, who were accompanied by Dr Winnie Ko Pui-shuen, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of the Federation of Hong Kong Shantou Community Organizations, visited Shantou, seeing the new look of Shantou’s economic and social development with their own eyes.

The Delegation visited the International Overseas Chinese Talent Hub of Shantou Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Pilot Area, and inspected key projects such as the Shantou International Convention and Exhibition Center, the Shantou Sports Center, the relocation project of Shantou Central Hospital, and the project of Luxshare Global Electronic Information Industry Center. They also held discussions with the principal leaders of the Shantou Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Pilot Area to learn about its location advantages, industrial development, policy support, and business environment, etc. The Delegation also visited Shanghai Electric Windpower Guangdong Co., Ltd. located in Haojiang District to gain intimate knowledge of the cutting-edge technology, industry chain collaboration and industry prospects of Shantou’s offshore wind power industry, for the purpose of exploring the space and opportunities for industrial cooperation between Shantou and Hong Kong. During their stay in Shantou, the Delegation also visited the Port-opening Area of Shantou Small Park, Expo Center of Chaoshan History and Culture, Chenghai’s toy enterprises, and Q+ Shantou Chenghai District Township Conditions Exchanges and Friendship Center, etc.

Source:Shantou Daily, Aug 1, 2024




来源:汕头日报 2024-8-1

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