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China (Shantou) - Cambodia (Phnom Penh) Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Conference is Held
Date: 2024-08-13      Source: Shantou Daily


On the afternoon of August 12, the China (Shantou) - Cambodia (Phnom Penh) Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Conference and the Qiaopi History and Cultural Exhibition Themed “Three Rivers Run into the Sea and One Letter is Sent to Home”, were held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Entrepreneurs from Shantou and Cambodia met face-to-face to make friends and discuss cooperation. They successfully signed the contracts of 13 projects in just one day, with a total contract value of more than RMB 600 million.

At the Exchange Conference, Shantou and Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, jointly held a signing ceremony to establish a sister-city relationship. The China (Shantou Institute of Agricultural Sciences) • Cambodia (Canadia Integrated Group) High-yield Rice Test Field and the China-Cambodia Teochew Cuisine Cultural Exchange Center were respectively inaugurated at the conference. On the event venue, the activities of displaying and appraising Teochew cuisine and the Teochew Gongfu Tea ceremony performance were also organized, showcasing Chaoshan culture from multidimensional perspectives. This not only enabled Cambodian friends and many Teochew people in Cambodia to taste the delicacies from their hometown, but also enhanced overseas Chinese's understanding of the culture of Teochew cuisine.

On that day, the 2024 Qiaopi History and Cultural Exhibition Themed “Three Rivers Run into the Sea and One Letter is Sent to Home” was officially opened in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. More than 1,000 people, including the representatives of the overseas Chinese communities and chambers of commerce from Cambodia, well-known overseas Chinese leaders, and teachers and students of the Chinese school, visited the Exhibition. Nearly 100 pictures of Qiaopi (Correspondence and Remittance Documents from Overseas Chinese) and related documents are strung together o form a nearly 100 meter long themed exhibition line, with the addition of 12 Cambodian Qiaopi stories, narrating the migration history, entrepreneurial history and excellent spirit of overseas Chinese.

Source:Shantou Daily, Aug 13, 2024


  8月12日下午,中国(汕头)—柬埔寨经贸文化合作交流会暨“三江出海 一纸还乡”侨批历史文化展在柬埔寨金边举行。汕柬两地企业家面对面交朋友、谈合作,短短一天促成13个项目成功签约,签约金额6亿多元。


  当天,2024年“三江出海 一纸还乡”侨批历史文化展在柬埔寨金边开幕,来自柬埔寨的侨团商会、知名侨领、华文学校师生代表等逾千人参观展览。近百幅侨批及相关资料图片串起近百米长的主题展线,并特别加入12个柬埔寨侨批故事,将华侨华人的移居史、创业史和优秀精神娓娓道来。

来源:汕头日报 2024-8-13

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