On November 1, as one of the series of foreign-oriented publicity activities for the 22nd Teochew International Convention and the 10th World Chaoshan Entrepreneurs Convention, the 2024 Visiting “Shantou-Famous Hometown for Overseas Chinese” Activity themed "Surmounting Mountains and Oceans to Appreciate Shantou’s Rich Beauty" was officially launched. This launch ceremony was organized by the Information Office of Shantou Municipal People's Government under the guidance of the Information Office of Guangdong Provincial People's Government. During the 5-day trip, a delegation consisting of overseas media’s chief editors and presidents, foreign influential social media stars, and international communication experts and scholars visited six districts and one county in Shantou, as well as China (Shantou) The Pilot Zone for Economic and Cultural Cooperation with Overseas Chinese, etc., immersing themselves in the cultural charm and industrial development dynamics of the famous hometown for overseas Chinese, so that through their perspectives and language systems, they can speak out on overseas media and social platforms, better telling the stories of the famous hometown for overseas Chinese, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and making China’s voice heard.
Source:Shantou Daily, Nov 6, 2024
11月1日,作为第二十二届国际潮团联谊年会和第十届世界潮商大会外宣系列活动之一,由广东省人民政府新闻办公室指导,汕头市人民政府新闻办公室主办的“穿越山海 瞧见美好”——2024年“侨乡汕头”参访活动正式启动。在为期5天的行程中,由境外媒体总编社长、外籍网红大V、国际传播专家学者等组成的参访团密集走访了汕头六区一县、华侨试验区等地,沉浸式感受侨乡文化魅力和产业发展态势,并通过他们的视角和语言体系,在境外媒体、社交平台发声,讲好侨乡故事、粤港澳大湾区故事,传播中国好声音。
来源:汕头日报 2024-11-6