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Asian Science Camp to be Held in Shantou
Date: 2019-06-14      Source: Shantou Daily

The 13th Asian Science Camp will be held in Shantou from July 28th to August 3rd. It will have been first held in Chinese Mainland since the event was launched 13 years ago. This summer camp is hosted by China Education Association for International Exchange and jointly organized by Shantou University and Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology with the theme of "Science, Youth, Future". More than 300 high school and university students from 39 countries and regions in Asia, Australia and other countries will gather together to exchange ideas through cutting-edge lectures, interactive teaching, group discussions, poster competitions, etc., and have a face-to-face dialogue with Nobel Prize winners and the world's top scholars.
Asian Science Camp (ASC) is the largest science summer camp in Asia. It was launched in 2005 by Professor Masatoshi Koshiba from Japan who is the special honorary professor of the University of Tokyo and the winner of Nobel Prize in Physics 2002. The camp also provides a platform for young science talents to understand, learn and communicate mutually.

Source:Shantou Daily, June 14, 2019



亚洲科学夏令营(Asian Science Camp, ASC)是亚洲最大的科学夏令营,由东京大学特别荣誉教授、2002年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者日本小柴昌俊教授等在2005年发起,为青年科学人才提供了一个相互了解、相互学习和相互交流的平台。


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